Monday, May 21, 2018

Cross Country

Hi guys,
Image result for running cross country  funny
This week I'm writing about the cross country☹ (dun, dun, DUN)!

I am REALLY not looking forward to running because at the moment I'm sick with a bad cold so can't breath through my nose. So when I'm running I might die. Also when I have a cold my asthma flares up.

Some things I can do to make the most of the experience are..... Try my best and not collapse.

My goal is to not throw up and die. Oh yeah another goal is to run 65% of the way.

Image result for cross country funny picsI don't get the point of cross country. Up to year six it's fine but when it gets to year 7&8 people should be able to choose if they want to run or not. Plus every year heaps of kids get asthma attacks! And WHY do we have cross country in winter! It is freezing cold for everyone waiting and running alike!

That's all for today, 
Lionblaze out!

Today's fun fact is (Drum roll please......)
100 is the oldest age for someone to ever run a marathon!


  1. Great blog, I know how you feel.

  2. was the incredibles 2 good. also pls check out my blog

  3. P.S. i also know how u feel!
