Monday, October 23, 2017

Athletics Day, Yay?

Image result for valerie adams shot putHi,
I'm back with an other post and its about ATHLETICS DAY! The annoying thing is that I sprained my ankle a few days before so I could only participate in the sports were you threw things.

My favourite sport was Vortex, I didn't do to well but it was still really fun. The girls and boys were split in to two groups so I only had to compete against around 10 other people. The best three throws got different coloured flags (blue, white and yellow). The people who threw them then Stood together in one corner and the others sat together in an other. You got three tries to get in the top three. Well to make a long story short I didn't get in the top three, but it was fun to watch others fail miserably. The best bit about the vortexes was the sound they made when you threw them, its kind of a cross between a whistle and shriek, but still somehow, satisfying to listen to.

My LEAST favourite sport was shot put, It was very, very boring. We had to wait for AGES for the boys to finish (it took them around 20 minutes whereas the girls only took around 10). The scoring system was basically the same as it was for Vortex but the balls were way harder to throw because they were so heavy. Another bad thing was that if you didn't throw them or hold them right it would injurer you.

During the day I think I showed perseverance when we were doing shot put because I don't enjoy doing it and I just wanted to stop. But I didn't and I kept on trying. Surprisingly I actually improved!

That's all for now,
Today's fun fact is (drum roll please......)
In 1498, Charles VIII of France hit his head on the door of a primitive tennis court and died.


  1. Good post


  2. Good post' I didn't know how Charles XIII died. But I guess you learn something everyday.
