Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Production roles!

Image result for acting  gifHi people, 
Today's post is about my production role! Our production this year is called the Amazing Adventure's of Super Stan! I know it sounds cheesy, but is actually quite funny. 

For the production I got the main role!!!! You may think the main role is Stan but actually it is the villain, the Candy Queen! And that's who I got! I'm really happy because I love acting and this will be a chance to up my game. 

Image result for actingThe Candy Queen has 82 lines!!!! Which is quite a lot to memorize in two weeks. But i'll give it my best shot. I don't really have any way to memorize my lines apart from practice makes perfect. The saying is over used but in the case of memorization it is true. So I will practice until the words fall out my ears.

Well that's all for this week,

Today's fun fact is (drum roll please....)
In the medieval time's women were not aloud to act at all! 

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