Monday, March 19, 2018


Image result for camping gifs
Hello people😆,
I'm back from camp! And that's what I'm going to be talking about today. On wards to the Q&A!
What did you find the most challenging?
The thing I found most challenging was probably caving. Because we had to crawl through holes, KNEE DEEP in water and to make it worse I had to keep my cast dry!

What did you find the easiest?
Can I say sitting around playing game of life? Apart from that it was probably riding on the flying fox.
Was it what you expected?
Yes and no at the same time. I expected the abseiling to be different, I did not think it would be outside and in nature. I didn't expect that caving would have involved so much squeezing through tiny gaps. But the flying fox and bridge jumping was what I thought it would be like. (I did not expect to walk through a swamp).
What was your proudest moment?
Probably when we went caving. In the end we had to find our way out by ourselves. The only instructions we got were that we had to  stay in the water and follow the stream upwards. AND to make it we only had one torch AND had to keep my cast dry!
Describe your favorite moment!
My favorite moment was also caving because we all worked together as a team. And it was really cool seeing heaps of glow worms, wetas and spiders.  
That's all for today,
Lionblaze OUT!
Today's fun fact is (drum roll please...)
Eleven MILLION people go on a summer camp every year.


  1. ahhhh noo not that gif!!!!
    anyways good post, liked all the pictures!

  2. Great post. I see that you like a lot of the pictures that were taken, with you in them.

  3. Cool blog Kate. The photos were cool!
