Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The topic is topic:3

Image result for marine iguanas
ℋello, hello, HELLO
Okay guys its a new week which means A NEW POST! *yay, happiness, joy.* Today's topic is TOPIC😋! Well at school for the last few weeks we have been learning about evolution and adaptation. Focusing mostly mainly on Galapagos Islands, when evolution is proceeding at an AMAZING rate! Well on to the Q&A;
What you have learned/thought more about in our
Adaptation & Evolution topic?  
Image result for warrior cats into the wild
(the first book)
Urrrrr, I already knew a bit about the Islands and a little about evolution but I never knew about survival of the fittest or that Charles Darwin went to Galapagos Islands. I've also learnt a lot about the animals there.
What would you like to learn more about in the next few weeks?
Well I'm not sure if this fits in with the topic but migration.....?
Today's fun fact is........
(drum roll please)
In Japan letting a sumo wrestler make your baby dry is considered good luck!  
Well that is today's VERY VERY short post,


  1. Great post. And a message to all the peps out there read the fist book of warriors.

  2. A bit too short and sharp for my liking. I thought you were a lion not a snapping turtle (too snappy, get it!?)

    By the way, what is 7x8?.

  3. I like the migration idea BTW. I wonder why a group of animals might migrate? Why are the Daleks always trotting and the universe looking to take over worlds? Something to do with resources I suspect. Apparently humans are the best animals on earth at adapting to new environments. I reckon cockroaches must be pretty good too.

  4. *yay, happiness, joy.*-----LOL! Fun post. The topic on topic was quite interesting. You have learnt a lot I guess! Which part of the Adaptation and Evolution topic did you enjoy the most? :)
