Who wants a pony? Because I want a pony. Ponies are cool. But that has nothing to do with today's post, NOPE! Today I'm going to be talking about a book called juggling with mandarins. The book is about a boy called Phillip, nick named Pip, who has a really competitive dad. He feels like his dad only cares if he wins his football game or not. But the thing is Pip's REALLY BAD at football/soccer. He has a big brother called Nick and a little sister named Madeline (she is only a baby.) The book is a moving story of a boy struggling to be happy and to impress his father. OK that's my intro over and done with, time for the Q&A.
What parts did you relate to most?
Ummmmmm............? I did't relate to anything..........well maybe....... Okay I've got it! At one point in the book Pip got really hooked to a sport (Can't tell you what it is). When I was younger I started netball and, like Pip I was hooked. I still play to this day, even if I'm not any good.
Chose two characters and write about them.
#WarriorcatsandHarryPotter |
Cool, here goes...........My first character is Pip. I chose him partly because he is awesome and partly because he IS the main character, so its good to know a bit about him. Pip is 13 years old and desperately wants to be as good as his big brother Nick at SOMETHING! Nick seems to be good at everything from soccer to making dad mad. All pip seems to be good at is messing stuff up, oh yeah he also has a bit of a crush on a rather pretty girl...... My second character is Madeline, shes only a baby at the age of 18 months. She is a very important character to the book, with out knowing it she encourages Pip to keep trying in his juggling ambition. Madeline helps him along his journey, as he slowly progress she to slowly progress, learning to walk, they both help each other through tough times sharing the never ending bond of sibling love.
Today's fun fact is.............(drum roll please)
In the UK it is illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas day!
Well thats all for today,